Saturday, May 22, 2010

VIDEO: A New Haircut

It's time for my first haircut!! My hair started to grow back in December after my last chemotherapy treatment in November. I of course was so excited to have my hair growing back, but it has been difficult to get use to!!! I've never had this short of hair before, so I really don't know the cute ways to style it. This month though, I have noticed it getting pretty long in the back, so I decided to get it STYLED. Here is a look at my first time getting my hair styled after cancer treatment. Hopefully I can keep this style up?!

VIDEO: The Birth Control Pill

I know there is still a lot of controversy surrounding the birth control pill, but this year marks its 50th year anniversary. This story I am posting is a "look back" at the pill over the last 50 years and how it has helped define a new role for women in the household, as well as in the workplace.

I also wanted to post this interesting article about "The Pill" and cancer. In a population-based study of women in the U.K., researchers found death from any cause was 12 percent lower among birth control pill users than among those who never took the drugs. Here is a link to the article I was reading at


Friday, May 21, 2010

VIDEO: "Choose You"

Here is a startling statistic: One in three women will in one point develop cancer in her lifetime. It happened to me unexpectedly and it took me by surprise. However, I think it is important to get the word out that there are things we can do to reduce that risk. Of course you may still get cancer, like I did in my case, but if you keep healthy lifestyle, it will help in the recovery process. Here is an interview I did with the American Cancer Society about their "Choose You" campaign. Make sure to spread the word to other women out there.

VIDEO: Walking Across the Country for Locks of Love

I wanted to share this story we did at KDLT about this man walking from Washington all the way to Florida, the headquarters for Locks of Love. I'm very inspired by his determination to not only make a difference for cancer patients, but set and example.
