Monday, February 15, 2010

A Good Heart

Today has been a great day! This morning I met with my heart doctor, Dr. Hamilton in Beverly Hills, and received some good news. I had a heart echo test performed and according to the results, Dr. Hamilton says my ejection fraction has not decreased. The technology involved with the heart echo test is amazing. Basically the heart echo uses high-frequency sound waves to create a picture of your heart. I always love to watch my heart on the screen during the test! I can't peal my eyes off of the screen. Its kind of like when you're staring at a campfire and the flames capture your attention. It amazes me how this one organ can do so much constant work day after day, and without it, all life would end. What a fantastic new sense of appreciation for the human body.

So today's ultrasound allowed the technician to measure my ejection fraction. I of course was worried that my ejection fraction had decreased from the continued effects of the chemotherapy, but much to the doctor's and my surprise it didn't! The doctor says as long as I don't receive anymore chemotherapy or radiation and remain healthy, she thinks my heart should be in good shape. She of course wants to see me again in six months for another heart echo, but in the meantime I can slowly start to exercise.

And in celebration of this good news I went to the beach after the doctor's appointment. What a beautiful day today in Los Angeles- with a high of 79 in February, you really can't complain! Well, I went for a jog at the beach and ended up jogging for 30 minutes, a time I must say I'm really impressed with. I made sure to listen to my body and not push myself too hard, but I'm so glad I lasted 30 minutes. It feels great to return to an activity I really loved before I started all of my cancer treatments.

But on a separate note I have to complain about the state of the beach I went to. Forgive me that I don't know the name, but it is the beach where planes fly directly above when they're leaving LAX. Well, anyways there was trash all over the place. I couldn't believe the amount of liter. It really broke my heart to see people dumping their trash on something so beautiful, like the beach. I tired to pick up as much trash as I could, but there is still so much left over. I guess I'm just really disappointed with some people's lack of consideration, I don't understand it. (There, now you have my rant for the week!)


  1. Oh, you're so sweet for trying to clean it up! That's really sad people can't clean up after themselves though! So glad you're running again & your e.f. hasn't decreased! Enjoy the sunshine!

  2. great news from the doctor! i know you're tired of the sun and warm weather, so we have lots of snow waiting for you in SD!

  3. we should run together when i visit you!!! AWESOME you'll beat me soon with a mile time of 5:30 totally?

  4. Dear Danielle,

    That is great news about your heart! Praise God for your fantastic doctors and for your own indomitable spirit!! I believe that God is the Great Physician, and He has used many resources to heal you. (There are many people who have been praying daily for you.) Isn't our created human body amazing? Isn't the new technology miraculous? I am so happy for your good news!

    Love you!

    P.S. I think the name of the beach is Dock Weiler State Beach.
