Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My First Trim

This past Tuesday my new hair received its first trim! This day was very exciting for me because my hair had finally grown to the point that the baby fuzz needed to be trimmed off. When your hairs first grow back they are a very soft fuzz that many hair stylists call "baby fuzz." Sure we only took off a little, but hey, it's a step in the right direction. Thanks to Lori and Ashley I got rid of all that soft baby fuzz that crowded the ends of my new healthy hair. It was funny because I felt like I was a little kid going in for their first hair cut. However, I'm grateful there were no stickers or lollipops waiting for me at the end!

1 comment:

  1. Danielle,
    You are so beautiful! I am so happy for you! I just read about your remission and couldn't feel more relief for you and your family. You have been so strong and determined to beat this disease and ... you won! Yeah for you!!! I hope you stay healthy forever.
    With love,
    Harriet Sarto
