Thursday, December 17, 2009

First Day of Radiation

Today was my first day of radiation. On the whole I would say everything went very well. I was so happy because my mom, dad and sister all went with me to UCLA to meet with my doctor and be with me during my first radiation treatment. It was really nice to have my family by my side. In a medical environment like UCLA, many things seem strange and unfamiliar, so to have my family there was a nice source of reassurance.

So at first I met with my oncology doctor for a check-up. She didn't notice any new bumps in any of my other lymph nodes, which is great. Actually the longest part about the appointment was the wait time. We waited for an hour just to see the doctor-wow! Good thing we didn't have any other place we needed to be. So the next time I will see her for another check-up will be in the beginning of February.

Then it was time for my radiation. Everything went how we had practiced yesterday. I think the whole thing took about 25 minutes. It was pretty loud, but not uncomfortable. The radiation beams themselves didn't hurt. Really the most uncomfortable part about the radiation was the mask I had to wear over my face and upper body. Sometimes I would get a little nervous being soo confined, so I would count to 10 to try and distract myself. It was strange being in that large room by myself with all that radiation equipment, but I tired my best to stay relaxed. I think as the days go by I will get more comfortable with the whole process.

Now once again tomorrow I will be heading back to UCLA for my next radiation treatment. I must say though I feel a huge sense of relief knowing that now I am finally starting the next phase of my fight. YAY the process is underway-One down, a few more to go! I so glad the ball is moving once again.


  1. Dear Danielle,

    I just read your blog. I knew Thursday was your first treatment. I am glad your family was with you.

    I am praying for you each day.

    Love, Nancy Thompson

  2. I am happy to see you still want to participate in my project even after starting your treatment.

    Take care and see you on the 24th

    Sean Cook
