Sunday, November 15, 2009

So Busy

Today is a good day! I'm feeling a lot better and I'm so happy to be at home with my family. It has been a little over a week since my last chemo session and my body is feeling a lot better. After the last chemo session I still felt just as nauseous, but I also noticed I felt a lot more exhausted. I made a big effort to stay at home and get plenty of rest because I really did not want to get sick. Now I'm still a little tired and I tend to still get headaches, but overall I'm feeling significantly better. I'm so happy to be done fighting the H1N1 Virus.

In the meantime I have just been very busy with my brand new puppy. I have decided on a name, and after some great name suggestions, I have come up with "Riley!" I hope everyone likes the name. I have always thought the name was really cute and fun, and my new puppy is very playful, so I think the name fits. But boy is he a lot of work. He is just a little baby (9 weeks), so he needs constant attention. I have come to discover that feeding him, cleaning up after him, sleeping with him, and playing with him is a full time job. Today I took him to the beach and he got to see the sand and the ocean for the first time. It was funny to watch him try to play in the sand.

On Tuesday I'm meeting with my doctor from UCLA. My next chemo treatment is scheduled for Thanksgiving Day, so I'll be meeting with the doctor to come up with a chemo treatment schedule plan. I think it will also be good to meet with her and go over everything so far. It has been such a journey so far that I'm really looking forward to kicking this Cancer's Butt!


  1. Hey Danielle,
    I am sooooo happy that you are back in CA!! I cant wait till i come back home so we can hang out! Potty train that dog so I do not always have to be watching it!!!
    Love you!


  3. I am sooooo glad that you are back in CA! I love seeing you and I am just really glad to have the family back together...I hope you are making progress with RD...haha if not it's okay if he just continues to pee on mom.

    See you friday!

  4. Cute puppy! Cant wait to see you all at Christmas! Love Quillings <3
