Wednesday, September 16, 2009

VIDEO: Tie One On

This past weekend I went to a special event for women undergoing Chemotherapy. At the "Tie One On" event I got to try on a few different scarves and I learned a few different ways I can style the scarves. It was nice to see some of the scarves are fashionable and actually look good with the shape of my face.

I'm so nervous for when my hair falls out. I am dreading the moment when I see the first pieces of hair begin to fall. However, I'm trying to keep a positive outlook. I am not going to let this Cancer consume my physical beauty, and I know even with no hair, I'll still try to have my inner beauty shine through.


  1. Danielle: Hey there, I really enjoy your blog. It was great to see you and meet your sister the other night. I apologize if some of my snarky comments were a bit over the top. I know you are going through some tough times, but please keep your head up!


  2. You've got more inner beauty in your pinky nail than most people have in their entire bodies. You'll have no problem letting the world see it. Glad to still see you smiling. :) Love you and miss you babe.


  3. Losing your hair is tough. But remind yourself, that you are not defined by your hair, just like you aren't defined by your clothes or make-up or anything exterior. What makes you YOU are the things that this cancer cannot take away! It's your soul, your personality, your spirit.... and those will stay intact! Stay strong and thanks for sharing all of this here for viewers to see.

  4. Our thoughts are with you! You'll be back on the air in no time! One day at a time.....

  5. Danielle:This is a time for change, look at all the new fun things you get to try that you other wise wouldn't. I didn't loose all my hair so I wore hats with thin bangs to the side and some sticking out on the sides and back it was cute, that was for summer. When winter came I got a free wig from the cancer society near me,to keep me warmer because I get cold, even wore a hat with it,most people didn't know.It was fun, my husband went with me because I wanted him in on the decision,my hair naturally was dark brown with pretty silver, shoulder length, I ended up with a short red wig and later my family gave me money and I got a short blond with like strawberry in it.FUN! Their are sweet,kind ladies that make chemo hats and leave them in chemo departments free to the patients, get them they are great! Soft and warm if made of fleece,I wore one in the house during the day and even slept with one all winter. My hair is back now and growing fast.I am telling you some things to help you that helped me,don't dread anything and don't call the cancer yours because it's not,and it is going to leave your body, just call it the cancer this way you don't take ownership of it. You are right, hair, make-up, clothes style that's not really you, it's the inner you that's important and you can shine. I trust in God He is my light and He did shine through me and still is, one nurse actually told me I did have a shine or glow to me after she said I didn't look like I should.(The doctors didn't think I had much time left but that wasn't Gods plan, and I praise Him.)Look at all this as an unplanned adventure,always seek for the BEST in a bad situation. I will be praying for peace and strength for you. Krystle Kacner's Aunt Terry
