Sunday, October 25, 2009

Emergency Room

Today my body is working to recover after a very scary, stressful, and painful day yesterday. Last night's evening topped off with me going to the emergency room; not the way I had originally planned to spend my Saturday night.

I guess the whole thing started on Friday. I went into work, but around the middle of the day I wasn't really feeling very well, so I went home. Then Friday night I had a horrible night's sleep. For some reason my cough and runny nose just would not stop. Saturday morning I was hoping to feel better because later that night I was suppose to go to a play with my friends. However, around 2 in the afternoon my symptoms really began to intensify and I began to develop a fever. No matter what I did I could not keep the chills at bay. At one point I was wearing a sweatshirt and winter jacket in bed with two blankets. So I took my temperature and noticed it was high: 99.5. We continued to monitor it and watched as it slowly went up and up. Finally we took three different readings and they were all up to 101.9, and my doctor said if my temperature ever goes over 101, I would have to go to the emergency room because I am immune deficient.

So at around 6pm we rushed over to the emergency room and I still had a high fever and felt very sick. The nurses got to us right away and they started to prick me all over, started an IV, and hooked me up to all these different types of machines. It was very overwhelming at first because there were 4 or 5 nurses all attending to me and asking me every question you could ever think of. I must admit the nurses did a great job and I really felt safe in their care. We even did a urine test and took x-rays of my chest and lungs. The nurses then stuck a tube in my nose and took a sample of some of the mucus in my nose.

After sampling the mucus in my nose, the doctor found out I have influenza. Of course, just what I need right now. I was surprised to find out I have influenza because I even got a flu shot a few weeks ago, but the doctor said I could still get the flu even with the shot. So of course right after my sinus infection I get the flu, just my luck! Since I am a cancer patient I fall into the category of a "high-risk" person, so the doctor prescribed me Tamiflu. I have to take the Tamiflu twice a day for the next five days, and most importantly of all, I have to rest and do nothing for the next five days. My doctor could not stress that point enough!! So there goes all my plans for next week :(

Today I have been monitoring my fever, and I had a few different scares when my fever was up to 100.7. I still feel really sick and I can't wait until I'm better. So if anyone has any ideas to keep me entertained while I'm stuck at home, I would love to hear them!!

1 comment:

  1. As it says on the Morton Salt box, "when it rains, it pours."

    I'm glad you went to the ER right away and got good care. You're gonna beat this thing one day at a time.

    As for entertaining yourself, I'll suggest something hokey: jig saw puzzles! When I was a kid I did them for hours especially when I was ill. There are plenty of challenging ones available. In fact there are two-sided puzzles that will challenge you.

    More prayers are on the way!

