Monday, October 12, 2009

VIDEO: 2nd Round of Chemo

Here is a video from my second chemo treatment. The treatment went very well, but the side effects were a little tough. I'm just hoping the process goes just as well for my third treatment on Thursday. Wish me good luck!!


  1. i want to tell you are very inspirational to me and my husband was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia at nearly the same time as you were fact he was going through his first cycle of chemo when we watched you make your announcement on kdlt.he and your treatments have nearly coincided. we have watched you do all of you reports and watched you lose your hair....which was just as difficult for my husband as it was for you.i just wanted to take a minute and thank you for putting a face on cancer for alot of people who only see the bad side. you have let them know that you can still work and function and have normal life and still be a cancer patient. you are a ray of light for my husband and his inspiration to be able to go back to work and resume his life and to proudly proclaim that he is a cancer survivor. you will be able to proclaim that one day as well. i continue to include you in my prayers and KEEP FIGHTING LIKE A GIRL!

  2. What you are doing here is good. I had acute myelogenous leukemia five years ago, and the diagnosis is quite shocking. I ended up with a blood stem cell/bone marrow transplant, but the journey through this is similar.

    The radio broadcast was great, and I agree that in some ways, having cancer can be a blessing. The relationships that you have will be stronger and that you will live one day at a time.

    God be with you.
