Monday, October 19, 2009

Fighting A Cold

The last few days have been a little tough on me. Especially the two days after my last chemo treatment, I have been very forgetful, something my family and I have been calling "chemo brain." It is a really unpleasant experience where I become forgetful and can't remember simple daily tasks. For instance, on Friday I was trying to drive around Sioux Falls and I got lost for an hour! I have been on these roads and streets many times before, but when I tired to remember where I was, I completely got lost. So this has been frustrating because not only an I dealing with the physical side effects of chemo, but now I feel as if I'm losing my mind. Have any other cancer survivors experienced this before?

However, a good piece of news from my last chemo treatment is I tired a new medicine to help with the nausea called Edmond, and it really did help. I received my first pose through the IV on Thursday and then the second and third pills by mouth on Friday and Saturday. I still felt very tired, had the body aches, and the headaches, but I wasn't throwing up. I think it also helped to have my sister and mom in town to keep my mind off of some of the chemo side effects. They are always a good distraction for me. We even went to the Expo For Her in Sioux Falls and had a fun time looking at all the interesting products for sale.

As for today, I'm not feeling very well, I think I am fighting a cold and my body is having a hard time staying strong. I noticed on Saturday night my nose was beginning to get stuffed-up and my throat was starting to hurt. I had a really hard time sleeping on Saturday night and that restlessness continued to Sunday and Sunday night. Finally last night I just got out of bed at 3:00am and went downstairs and just read until the morning time. I'm reading a really good book, so I guess it was nice to have a book to curl up to if I couldn't get any sleep eye! I called my doctor today and he is suppose to call me back sometime today to tell me if I need to come in or if I can take some over the counter medicine. I hope I hear back from him soon because if possible I would like to come into work tomorrow. Of course we'll see how it goes, I know I can't push my body right now, especially if I'm fighting a cold. So today I am just staying a home and getting some rest, hopefully helping my immune system! I can't wait for this headache to leave!!


  1. Hi Danielle,

    Sorry you're a bit under the weather and I hope you shake the cold soon. I'm so glad that the doc found an anti-nausea medication that works.

    All the best!

  2. Hi, I'd never heard of Edmond before. So happy they found something that works for you. I suffer from "chemo brain". It's not totally permanent though I must admit I was really concerned about being able to do my job. It gets better, slowly. I'm sure your young age gives you a great advantage and surely a complete recovery is possible for you!! I'm sorry you have to suffer through it for now though as it is difficult. Salt to the wound as they say. Stay strong, you're doing great!! Take care
